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Dear Parent, Guardians and Carers,
R U OK? Day was on Thursday 12th September. R U OK? is a national suicide prevention charity and registered public health promotion that encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times.
R U OK? contributes to suicide prevention efforts by encouraging people to invest more time in their personal relationships and building the capacity of informal support networks – friends, family and colleagues - to be alert to those around them, have a conversation if they identify signs of distress or difficulty and connect someone to appropriate support, long before they're in crisis.
You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener.
Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:
- Ask R U OK?
- Listen
- Encourage action
- Check in
Child Protection Week
Last week was Child Protection Week. This is an opportunity for classes to educate students on how they can keep themselves and others safe. All classes participated in Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson, an initiative of the Daniel Morcombe Foundation, which provides a strong child safety message through a video presentation. Child Safety is an important topic at St Patrick’s that we will continue to educate the children in regularly to ensure their safety.
Teacher Aide Appreciation Week
Last week was also Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week. Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week is an opportunity to celebrate the enormous contribution that teacher aides (ESO's) have in our schools. At St Patrick’s, we are fortunate to have hard working, supportive and dedicated ESO’s that help our teachers and students to create classroom environments that support student engagement and learning. I would like to acknowledge and thank all our amazing ESO’s, Michelle, Christine, Liam, Bianca, Kim, Laura, Sara and Karen, as well as Sharon Carroll and Sharon Cunningham.
Footy Colours Day/Hot Dog Day
Next Friday 20th September we will celebrate Footy Colours Day. This is an opportunity for all students to wear their favourite sports team’s colours. On this day, the P&F will be coordinating a hot dog lunch. Hot dogs, drinks and icy poles can be purchased via CDF Pay. Please ensure your orders are placed before the cut off time of 6.00pm on Wednesday 18th September.
Term 3 Finish
Friday 20th is also the last day for Term 3. School will finish at 2:30pm on this day.
I would like to wish you all a happy and safe holiday period and hope that you have the opportunity to spend some quality time together as a family.
Kind regards,
Go to:
Friday 13th September |
Wednesday 18th September |
Friday 20th September |
Finish at 2.30pm |
Saturday 21st September |
Monday 7th October |
Wednesday 9th October |
Thursday 10th October |
Tuesday 15th October |
Wednesday 16th October |
Friday 18th October |
Saturday 19th October |
Friday 25th October |
Wednesday 30th October |
Thursday 31st October |
Friday 1st November |
Monday 4th November |
Tuesday 5th November |
Wednesday 6th November |
Thursday 7th November |
Friday 8th November |
Wednesday 13th November |
9.00am - 11.00am (information session for parents)
6.00pm - St Mary's Cathedral |
Wednesday 20th November |
9.00am - 11.00am
Saturday 23rd November |
5.30pm |
Wednesday 27th November |
9.00am - 11.00am |
Monday 2nd December |
Wednesday 4th December |
Friday 13th December |
Monday 16th December |
Wednesday 18th December |
Friday 20th December |
What's Happening at St Patrick's

Students have recently competed in the Hooptime Basketball Competition.

Foundation Students experimenting in STEM Classes
At St Patrick’s we have a standard of uniform of which the members of our school community can be justifiably proud. It is an expectation of parents and students that the correct uniform is worn.
Jewellery is not permitted except for small sleepers and studs. Extreme hair styles and hair colouring is not permitted. Long hair must be tied back off the face in school band colours.
School jumper (bottle green with white logo)
Black leather school shoes or boots
Grey socks- above ankle
Grey shorts
White shirt - short sleeved
School hat – bottle green with logo
Green check summer school dress
Grey shorts & White shirt - short sleeved.
School jumper (bottle green with white logo)
Black leather school shoes / T-bar school shoes or leather lace up shoes
White socks- above ankle
School hat - bottle green with logo
Hair ties – school colours only
(bottle green, white or black)
Sport Uniform to be worn on PE/sport days only: Monday and Wednesday
If your child is out of uniform without a note from parents, a uniform warning note will go home with your child.
- REMINDER - TERM 4 - Students are to wear their school hat during outside play
Thank-you for your co-operation.
Happy Birthday to the following students who celebrate
their Birthday in the coming weeks!
Bohdi Dugan - 14th September
Jesse Rowley - 19th September
Evelyn Tonkin - 20th September
Steele Baxter - 22nd September
Noah Veitch - 22nd September
Jack Shingles - 24th September
Alba Munro - 27th September
Luke Bennett - 29th September
Keeley Martin - 1st October
Bruce Sears - 1st October
Harri Spencer - 1st October
Harvey Taylor - 1st October
Paige Fischer - 3rd October
Jim McDonald - 3rd October
Matilda Dower - 7th October
Have a great day!
Here is the Parish bulletin for this weekend.
There is a lot happening in the next couple of weeks so please check the dates and times of Masses over this period.
As we are having the Parish Multicultural Day in the Cathedral at 9.30am Mass and afterwards there will be no other Masses on Sunday.
This means no 9.30am Mass for Briagolong and no 5.30pm Mass in the Cathedral on Sunday 22 September.
There will also be no 5.30pm Mass at Rosedale on Saturday 21 September.
The 5.30pm Mass in the Cathedral on Saturday 21 September will be celebrating baptism of about 20 older children who we will welcome into our Parish Community.
Their Welcome will take place at the 5.30pm Mass tomorrow (14 September).
The 9.30am Mass in the Cathedral on Sunday 22 September will not only be the Multicultural Day Mass but also the Commissioning Mass for those attending the Ignite Youth Conference in Sydney.
Bishop Greg, Fr Francis and Fr Aneesh are looking forward to seeing you all there in your national dress.
The front page contains an update on our Youth Fundraising efforts with many thanks to our very generous Parishioners as well as local businesses who have donated prizes for our raffle fundraiser.
Our Parish will be having a Child Safeguarding Audit on Wednesday 18 September.
If you need to call in or contact us, please avoid doing so on Wednesday as Clare and Mark will both be busy with the auditors – thanks for your understanding.
Have a lovely week
Regards, Clare O’Brien
Parish Secretary
(Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9.15am to 3pm. The office may be closed between 12.30 & 1.30pm for lunch)
St Mary’s Cathedral Parish
47 Foster St (PO Box 183)
03 5144 4100